warpage in injection molding

Deal with Warpage in Injection Molding: Causes and Prevention

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Plastic injection molding is a widely used manufacturing process, but it’s not immune to defects. One such issue that manufacturers often encounter is “warpage in injection molding.” In this post, we’ll delve into the details of this common problem, explaining what causes it and how to prevent it. Let’s get straight to the point and explore plastic injection molding warpage without any unnecessary embellishments.

What is Warpage in Injection Molding?

Warpage, one of the most prevalent quality issues in plastic injection molding, refers to the excessive distortion of a plastic part after ejection, causing it to deviate significantly from the injection mold cavity. This defect, also known as deformation, shows as bending or twisting and is typically the result of uneven shrinkage rates or mechanical forces, such as those encountered during ejection.

What Causes of Warpage in Injection Molding?

Inadequate Injection Pressure:

When the injection pressure is not enough, it can result in incomplete filling of the mold, causing variations in part thickness and internal stresses that lead to warpage.

Incorrect Residence Time:

The duration the material remains in the barrel can impact its properties. Inaccurate residence time may lead to inconsistent material characteristics and, subsequently, warpage.

Low Barrel Temperature:

If the barrel temperature is incorrect (generally low), it will not allow the material to reach its optimum temperature before entering the mold. The molecules in the material will thus, not shrink at a uniform rate.

Stress Buildup:

Residual stresses that build up during molding due to material cooling unevenly can result in warpage.

Non-Uniform Wall Thickness:

Parts with varying wall thicknesses are more easy to warpage due to differential cooling and shrinkage rates in different sections.

Incorrect Mold Temperature:

Inconsistent mold temperatures can cause uneven cooling, leading to warpage.

Improper Gate System:

The location, types, and quantity of gates can affect how material flows into the mold. An improper gate system can lead to warpage by causing uneven filling or cooling.

Material Shrinkage:

Different plastic materials have varying shrinkage rates as they cool. Failure to account for this shrinkage can result in warpage.

Improper Cooling:

Inadequate or non-uniform cooling of the mold and part can lead to differential shrinkage, causing warpage.

Improper Process Operation:

Any deviations from the optimal injection molding process, such as incorrect pressure, speed, or timing, can contribute to warpage.

Improper Ejection Design:

The design of the ejection mechanism also directly affects the deformation of the plastic part. If the ejection mechanism is unbalanced, the ejection force will be unbalanced and the plastic part will be deformed.

Parts Using Inserts:

If the molded parts use inserts, that will influence the shrinkage. The molded part will warpage if the manufacturer doesn’t consider that.

How to Prevent Warpage in Injection Molding?

Optimize Injection Pressure:

Ensure that the injection pressure is adequate to fill the mold completely. Proper pressure helps prevent uneven material distribution and minimizes warpage.

Control Residence Time:

Monitor and control the time the material spends in the barrel. Consistent residence time helps maintain material properties and reduces the risk of warpage.

Maintain Barrel Temperature:

Keep the barrel temperature within the specified range for the material being used. Consistent temperature ensures uniform material flow and cooling, reducing the potential for warpage.

Minimize Stress Buildup:

Implement strategies to minimize stress buildup during cooling. This can include optimizing cooling times and using proper cooling techniques to promote even cooling.

Ensure Uniform Wall Thickness:

Design parts with uniform wall thickness wherever possible. Non-uniform wall thickness is more prone to warpage due to differential cooling and shrinkage.

Related read: Injection Molding Wall Thickness Guideline

Control Mold Temperature:

Maintain consistent mold temperatures throughout the entire process to promote even cooling and minimize warpage.

Optimize Gate System:

Select appropriate gate locations, types, and quantities to ensure even material flow into the mold. A well-designed gate system can help prevent warpage.

Related read: Injection Molding Gate Design: Enhancing Plastic Manufacturing

Consider Material Shrinkage:

Understand the shrinkage characteristics of the plastic material you’re using and adjust the mold design accordingly to compensate for shrinkage.

Setting Proper Cooling:

Ensure effective and uniform cooling of the mold and part. Proper cooling prevents differential shrinkage, a common cause of warpage.

Related reading: Injection Molding Cooling Systems, Cooling Methods and Design

Consider Inserts influence:

If your parts incorporate inserts, ensure they are securely positioned and compatible with the molding process to prevent warpage.


In the world of plastic injection molding, preventing warpage is important. By using the right methods – from proper design to process control – we can avoid those defects. Preventing warpage means fewer defects, lower costs, and happier customers. It’s an ongoing battle, but experienced on-demand manufacturers can solve this problem and produce high-quality products.

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